West Gulf Division

2024 Annual Meeting
The American Radio Relay League, Incorporated
Board of Directors Meeting
January 19-20, 2024

Motion To Confer Position Of Director Emeritus to W3TOM

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Famiglio (Atlantic) Motion # 1

Moved: Mr. Famiglio

Seconded: Mr. Stratton

Motion to Confer Position of Director Emeritus upon Thomas J. Abernethy, W3TOM, Former Atlantic Division Director

WHEREAS, Thomas J. Abernethy, W3TOM, is the immediate past Director of the ARRL Atlantic Division;

WHEREAS, Thomas J. Abernethy, W3TOM, after retiring as Director in January of 2023 has continued to actively and vigorously support the ARRL by traveling to numerous official member gatherings, conventions and hamfests to represent, promote and support our League tirelessly as an ambassador of ARRL goodwill in our Atlantic Division and across the entire country;

WHEREAS, Mr. Abernethy became a licensed Amateur Radio Operator in 1972, advancing through the Amateur ranks to Amateur Extra Class;

WHEREAS, Mr. Abernethy was elected as the Section Manager of the Maryland/DC Section of the Atlantic Division on July 1, 2001, and served with distinction in such capacity until January 1, 2006;

WHEREAS, on January 1, 2006, Mr. Abernethy was elected as Vice Director for the ARRL Atlantic Division and served continuously in such capacity until January 1, 2015;

WHEREAS, on January 1, 2015 Mr. Abernethy was elected Director of the ARRL Atlantic Division and has served in such capacity until his retirement as of January 6, 2023;

WHEREAS, Mr. Abernethy, a Life Member, has served continuously in elected office for the ARRL for almost Twenty-two years;

WHEREAS, while Director, Mr. Abernethy was elected to the Executive Committee of the Board and was elected as a Director of the ARRL Foundation Director and served tirelessly on its Scholarship Committee.

WHEREAS, Mr. Abernethy has also served in the appointed positions of Official Bulletin Station – beginning in 1975, Official Emergency Station - Starting in 1998, MDC Section Emergency Coordinator 1980-1985, and Emergency Coordinator for several counties in Maryland at various times in the past;

WHEREAS, Mr. Abernethy has always selflessly donated his time and skills for the advancement of Amateur Radio generally and specifically the promotion of the ARRL as the leading representative of Amateur Radio Operators;

WHEREAS, Mr. Abernethy is an AMSAT Life Member, Potomac Valley Radio Club member (PVRC), having joined in 1972 and having served as PVRC Vice President (1985) under President David Siddall, K3ZJ, the ARRL’s present FCC counsel.

WHEREAS, Mr. Abernethy assisted the US Pentagon and US State Department by obtaining and sharing critical logistical intelligence during the first student takeover of the American Embassy Compound in Tehran, Iran in 1978, was responsible for leading the Amateur Radio response to the downed Florida Flight 90 crash into the Potomac River (1982), and was responsible for organizing the critical Amateur Radio response for the attack on the US Pentagon during the 911 Attack on September 11th, 2001, and was responsible for organizing the extensive Amateur Radio response to the LaPlata, Maryland F-4 Tornado. (April 25, 2002);

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED in recognition of Thomas J. Abernethy’s contributions to Amateur Radio and to The American Radio Relay League, Incorporated the ARRL hereby confers the title of Director Emeritus upon Mr. Abernethy with all the rights, privileges and recognition the position provides.

Costs incurred: Miscellaneous cost for plaque and presentation.